Network w/ your faculty and students- who dances? What kind of dance? Would they come in to share with your learning community?
Intergenerational -12 and under and 55 plus – together making dances – brings barriers and shyness down
Advocate, “come out” as a dance engager in every situation you can….even non dance ones
MADEO and Dance Complex partner with their Winter Wonder and Summer Sizzle programs.
From the revolutionary war: “United we stand, divided we fall.” ALL the arts for ALL the children ALL the time (every day).
Chat @ PTO meetings about why pursuing dance in higher ed is not a waste of money but will give them lifelong learning skills
Ask public school teachers if they have a background in dance
Presentation at rotary club
Arts Café where students perform for and teach workshops to their families and invited guests (also potluck dinner)
Move MADEO meetings around the state and hold in different venues in different sectors- e.g. at a ballroom studio, college/university, private studio