About Us

The Massachusetts Dance Education Association is committed to:


  • Supporting and promoting quality dance teaching in multiple settings and promoting opportunities and access to in-depth professional development towards that aim.
  • Establishing dance as an integral part of the curricula for preschool though post secondary education.
  • Implementing the Visual and Performing Arts Framework and content standards for Massachusetts schools.
  • Working to obtain/reinstate a credential for dance educators which emphasizes high standards in the presentation of dance as a discrete art form.



The mission of MADEO is to support and advance dance education centered in the arts.

MADEO believes in the following core values:

  1. Every person has the right and the ability to experience the joy of dance.
  2. A high quality dance education is essential to the development of the whole person.
  3. Dance is an equal component of a balanced arts and culture community.
  4. Dance has the power to transform through physical expression, emotional connection and the creative process.
  5. Dance reflects, challenges and affirms the cultural values of the larger community.


The primary goals of MADEO include:

  1. Build needed networks for communication, action and services through various communication vehicles including technology.
  2. Provide organization and power to dance educators to advocate for the field of dance education.
  3. Provide services to support the field of dance education.
  4. Provide professional development opportunities to support dance educators and classroom teachers.
  5. Maintain connections and collaborations with the professional dance community.
  6. Represent and advocate for the interests of Massachusetts dance education through affiliations with other local, state, and national organizations.
  7. To work with the National Dance Education Organization (NDEO) in carrying out the national mission of promoting and strengthening dance education, centered in the arts, and as an effective tool for education.